As someone who spends their life creating patterns and working from them over and over again to make sure they are just right, the world of free form crochet is a little scary.
Ok, a lot scary.
I mean, I have always admired the organic, crazy, spontaneous freeform crochet creations as I scrolled through the feeds of fellow hookers but I always set out on a crocheting session with a particular design in mind. The thought of just randomly making stitches as and when the mood takes you. Well, to be honest I didn’t know if my slightly OCD-addled mind could deal with the randomness.
Could I learn to let go and stitch with the flow?
One of the thing that I love most about the crochet scene is the sense of community amongst us. There is a great sense of camaraderie, a willingness to help each other learn and grow in our skills and an enormous joy that is to be found in sharing your new creations with your hooking friends. So when I saw some of the people I follow on Facebook updating each other with how their new freeform crochet projects were evolving,
I kind of felt a little left out and I have a big jar of yarn ends that are just begging for a new project…
Fortunately, the rather lovely Dada Neon Crochet has very kindly put together a freeform crochet-a-long. The weeks are broken up into easily manageable chunks and the ideas for each week are definitely going to get the creative juices flowing. Seriously, check it out, it’s amazing. From making your hand print, to imagining your dream house to portraying your favourite song in yarn, it’s all there with handy ideas of how to go about stitching each task.
It is so amazing in fact that even a slave to crochet patterns like myself couldn’t resist joining in. This is my attempt at week one…
Not exactly groundbreaking in freeform crochet terms but well outside of my personal comfort zone. So pretty proud of it all the same. So although I have a million works already in progress (who doesn’t?) by learning to freeform crochet I am making some new friends and learning something new along the way. There is a great support network and even though we are all following the same instructions everyone’s interpretation is different so each design is totally unique. The best bit is that I have absolutely no idea what the finished piece will look like. Neither does anyone else.
But it is sure going to be fun finding out. 🙂
If you want to join in the fun for yourself, just head over to Dada Neon Crochet’s blog where you can find all the instructions for getting started
Tracy, you blew me away!!! Actually I just wanted to read the blogpost you were writing about. YESYESYES! Thank you for meeting you, I love every word in it!!! And then what can I see? Freeform? You cute little fox, give me a hint the next time! I won’t get it wrong, promise! Extreme DadaHugs <3
i would like to send you a pic of my version of medieval wedding bodice mostly worked in freeform
my website is a .wales domain as I Welsh many people have trouble getting to my website because it has not .com or
HI Jackie, I would very much love to see it! Feel free to email it to me: hello [at] edenreborn [dot] com