Spring Has Come Early

I might have been a little quiet but lots has been going on behind the scenes. It might be only January but Spring has come early to our house and I have been on a cleaning rampage. Cupboards have been rearranged, furniture has been shifted, floors have been scrubbed.

The house has been reworked and the rooms have been brought more into line with our current needs. I had to let go of some of the clutter so that I could find room for all the new gems that I have been finding recently. I love thrifting. Charity shops, jumble sales, an ad on a site like Freecycle or Freegle can produce numerous treasures. Half of my house is made from second hand sources. It’s amazing what a bit of elbow grease, a lick of chalk paint and a new cushion cover can do.

My Charity shop haul. Beautifully illustrated vintage Observer books

My Charity shop haul. Beautifully illustrated vintage Observer books

It also amazes me what people are willing to throw/ give away. I know many crafters who would give their right arm for a stash of the vintage Observer books. I found a trove of them in a charity shop the other day for a fraction of the cost of buying them from Ebay. I snapped up half of them, if the budget had allowed I would have had them all. Since we got them, my youngest daughter has barely put them down. Their teeny size and beautiful illustrations transcend the generations.  She packed a couple in her bag when we visited Blue Reef aquarium recently and took great delight in finding the fishes on display within the pages of her little vintage book. I love the fact that an iconic book from my childhood has now ignited a spark in my daughter.

Stitch and the village. Chatter, crochet and custard creams are the foundation of friendship

Stitch and the village. Chatter, crochet and custard creams are the foundation of friendship

It hasn’t been all work and no play. I have done quite a bit of crafting since I last wrote. More projects are in progress (I need to finish some and stop taking on such massive tasks!) These have often been late night affairs. Doing a few lines of stitching while watching a bit of classic Sex and the City. I hadn’t realised just how much crocheted Carrie wears. ( More projects being incubated in my brain). I enjoyed some of my own girlie chatter time when a friend and I had our very own coffee morning. It was less Sex and the City and more Stitch and the Village. She learnt to crochet, we gossiped about life, the universe and everything, we ate custard creams over several cups of tea. It was fabulous. I even started a little amigurumi mushroom project that finally found its completion tonight.

A little crochet amigurumi mushroom.

A little crochet amigurumi mushroom.

But that is another story for another day.

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