Twenty Facts about Eden Reborn

Twenty Facts About Me

Twenty Facts about Eden Reborn

It has been a *ahem* while since I last posted. In the past few days I’ve been thinking about what my ‘breaking back into blogging’ post should be. Then I got tagged by the wonderful @pandagourgh on Instagram asking me to take part in the #twentyfactsaboutme game. Bingo, I thought. Here’s a way to reintroduce myself to my website after two (two?!?) years and let people know just a little bit more about me.

So here goes, twenty facts about me.

Fact 1 -Marriage

I am married (for the second time) with two kids: Keziah (14) and Ostara (11). Coming from divorced parents I always thought that when I got married it would be forever. Then things happened. Life happened. It turns out I was wrong. I think though, that it is better to admit your mistakes and move on than try and fixed something that is terminally broken.

Fact 2 -Age

I’m 37. Lots of my friends moan about getting older but actually, I love it! I know myself so much better now. I’m less likely to put up with things just so I don’t offend people and I know how to make myself happy. Those are things to celebrate.

Fact 3 -Philosophy

I have a first class degree through The Open University. Although I actually studied MORE philosophy than was needed for the BA (hons) philosophy degree, I wasn’t allowed to have it because I hadn’t done a level 1 course. I did do three level threes though when I only needed two. Confused? Yeah, so was I.

Fact 4 – Books

I love reading, particularly fantasy. The Silmarillion is probably my favourite book but if you asked me next week, I might choose another. Just recently though, I have found myself drawn to non-fiction. I am currently reading ‘Happy’ by Derren Brown

Fact 5 – Colours

Purple used to be my favourite colour but now I love green. It reminds me of the first shoots of new life. And wood elves.

Fact 6 – Temperature

I hate being cold and practically hibernate in Winter. I sit under blankets a lot, even in summer, and although I love going barefoot, my feet are always cold. Even in summer.

Fact 7 – Social Media

I believe that social media is one of the most important inventions of our time. Yes, I know there are dangers, and responsibilities. But used well, it has the power to transform our lives and our world in ways that couldn’t be imagined twenty years ago.

Fact 8 – Crochet

I taught myself to crochet after my dearly loved Nan Rose died and I inherited her crochet hooks. My first makes were awful, but I was determined. Now I can’t imagine my life without crochet being a part of it and it makes me feel that, even though she is gone, we are still connected.

Fact 9 – Coffee

I drink waaaaaay too much coffee. I drink it as strong and as black as possible and I know that I drink too much of it because I tried to stop once and I swear it almost killed me. So I stopped trying to stop drinking it.

Fact 10 – Socially Selective

I used to love going out to pubs and clubs but now I prefer to stay in. Some people might call me anti-social but I prefer to think of it as being socially selective.

Fact 11 – Music

As a teen I was really into grunge music, now my tastes are more eclectic. I almost always have the radio on, either BBC Radio 2 or 6. If I want to drift away to a far away place I listen to Sigur Ros or David Bowie. I think The film Labyrinth had a profound effect on me as a child.

Fact 12 – The Good Life

I have an allotment. And chickens. I’m sure that some people think I’m living The Good Life, but actually it is more like a ‘running around and trying to remember to water everything’ life.

Fact 13 – The Weather

I often moan about the weather (the cold) but actually I love living in the UK because I find the seasons beautiful. Whenever I try to imagine living somewhere else, I can’t. Somewhere warm to run to in the greyest, bleakest parts of Winter wouldn’t go amiss though.

Fact 14 – Box Sets

I watch a lot of box sets and particularly enjoy Nordic Noir. However, subtitles are not exactly conducive to a productive night of crochet!

Fact 15 – The Fringe

I love having a fringe but hate the work it takes to maintain it. There is a very annoying kink to my hair that means straightening is mandatory. I’m not a natural preener.

Fact 16 – Seafood

I love eating seafood but my eldest hates it so I generally only enjoy it on nights out. Which are rare.

Fact 17 – Swearing

I swear. A lot. I know people find this offensive but they are just words after all. I don’t see what the problem is.

Fact 18 – Flexibility

I’m hyper flexible. It sounds like a cool thing to be but actually it leads to a lot of injuries and physio. I can however be relied upon trip up, fall over or generally embarrass myself at inappropriate moments. And I’m not supposed to run, which for me is a result!

Fact 19 – Jewellery

I wear seven rings and feel naked without them.

Fact 20 – Talking

I talk too much, which you may have guessed if you have made it this far!

So there are my twenty facts about me. I would love to know more about you, so feel free to introduce yourself in the comments if you’d like.


Thanks for reading! 🙂


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