Weaving in the Ends (aka Project Procrastination)

In yesterday’s post I was very clear that today was going to be all about (finally) weaving in the ends of my Carousel CAL. What actually happened is something that I would like to call…

Project Procrastination


I’d almost finished reading this last night. It seemed rude to let it lie on the side with only thirty pages left to read. Of course, then I needed a coffee to help digest the information.


Next I decided that I really ought to get my desk sorted. I’d bought a new lamp from Ikea which needed somewhere to live so I could get some decent Instagram photos. I forgot to take a ‘before’ photo but if you imagine one of those desks from the movies where the paperwork is piled to high it is teetering on the verge of collapse, you’ll understand how long this took.


Then of course I had to take the Instagram photo for day 15 of the #BigSpringYarnShare.

Project procrastination was going well so far!

The Invasion Of The Little Wheekers

Of course, Pancake and Cino needed cleaning out. They live in the house and wheek loudly every time someone opens the fridge, uses a knife or opens a packet. Basically they wheek every time there is even a remote possibly of food coming their way.

They also needed a little grooming as their nails were getting a little long. (We had to trick Pancake into thinking nothing was happening to stop him pulling his paw away).

And then, once all the jobs were done, and I couldn’t avoid it any longer…


Project procrastination finally ended.

I started sewing in the ends.

This is about three of the larger hexagons plus border. I still have four more hexagons to go, plus the border, plus the front side. It seems to be taking AGES!

But I have a bottle of wine and Doctor Who to keep me company.

So I’ll see you on the other side


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