Amigurumi Pincushion Tutorial

Who wants an amigurumi pincushion tutorial?

I do as I am starting a dressmaking course next week and on my list of things to bring is a pincushion. Out of all the sewing equipment I have brought over the years, I don’t seem to have a pincushion. Well actually this isn’t true. I do have one but it is the type that is made of plastic and grips around the wrist and digs into my bones to the point where I can’t stand it. The thing is, I love the idea of having a pin cushion attached to my wrist. I goes everywhere with you and it’s handy when I’m taking pins out whilst using the sewing machine. I wanted a wrist pincushion without the pain.

So I got thinking about this problem and figured that I could sacrifice one of the many pieces of amigurumi I have made over the years to become my own personal pincushion servant. I then figured that I would make some sort of strap out of some scraps of fabric and velcro. Then I figured that perhaps using one of the old neckties that I have stashed would be easier as it would involve less sewing (or so I thought). So the upcycled necktie amigurumi wrist worn pincushion was born. Not a catchy title I know, but hey what can you do?

This tutorial is going to assume that, like me,  you have a stash of cute little amis somewhere that don’t mind being stabbed more times than a voodoo doll. If you don’t, well, Don’t Panic! I will be writing the patterns for the ones below up soon and in the meantime you can head over to Ravelry where I’m sure you’ll find something you love. If you can’t crochet then there is a lovely cupcake pincushion pattern over at Stamps and Stitches. Failing that then head over to your local thrift store or charity shop where I’m sure you’ll find a little soft toy or suchlike that’ll do just fine. While you’re there be sure to pick up a neck-tie too. Or steal one from your Dad / brother /boyfriend / husband. If also you have some Velcro around then we are good to go.


  • sewing needle and thread
  • scissors
  • Velcro
  • amigurumi / pincushion / small soft toy
  • pins
  • neck-tie
  • measuring tape
Measure and cut your tie. The thinner middle part of the tie is best

Measure and cut your tie. The thinner middle part of the tie is best

First up you are going to need to measure your wrist and then add a couple of inches. be generous at this point. Remember that you are going to have to fold in the raw edges of your tie and you are going to need to overlap the ends for the Velcro to stick. If in doubt add half an inch more. Once you have this measurement, cut your tie to that length. I used the thinner end of the tie but cut off the pointy bit first. Please bear in mind my wrist is titchy (the only part of me that is!) so do NOT take my measurement as a guide for yours. Honestly, mine will really only fit a child. I’m just abnormal.

Remove a bit of the inner wadding to make folding and sewing easier

Remove a bit of the inner wadding to make folding and sewing easier

Once you have your cut tie, you want to open up the centre a little and cut out a little more of the inner wadding (see pic). This will make it easier to fold and sew.

Pin the raw ends over to neaten them. Check that it will still fit your writ (remember you need overlap for Velcro) and once happy, whip stitch them into place.

Add the Velcro to your tie. Remember one piece goes on the top of the fabric and one underneath on the opposite end

Add the Velcro to your tie. Remember one piece goes on the top of the fabric and one underneath on the opposite end

Now you want to add your Velcro. I aligned mine right up to the edge of my tie and hand stitched them secure. You can also use the sticky backed type if you prefer (I’m not sure how this will hold up repeated use though as I always use the sew-in type). Remember when positioning the Velcro that one piece needs to be on the opposite side of the fabric to the other so it sits flat when you wear it.

One your Velcro is secure all you need to do is find the middle of the tie and whip stitch your chosen pincushion into place. Voilà you now have an amigurumi pincushion you can wear on your wrist!

Whip stitch your amigurumi onto your tie and wear with pride

Whip stitch your amigurumi onto your tie and wear with pride

If you make a little pincushion like this I’d love to see it. You can share a pic with me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use #edensamipincushion or leave a comment below.

Have fun making!

Cupcake pincushions look cute!

Cupcake pincushions look cute!


Posted in amigurumi, Crochet and tagged , , , , .

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